Asset Tracking

Asset tracking

Asset tracking is an important aspect of the Internet of Things (IoT) world. With the use of IoT sensors that have long battery life, it is now possible to easily track the movement of your mobile assets in real-time. This allows for efficient management and increased visibility of your assets, helping to improve overall productivity and operations. Additionally, these sensors can be placed on a wide range of mobile assets, including vehicles, machinery, and even containers, making it a versatile and valuable tool for businesses.

Assets Followed
Geofences Created
Triangulations per min

Asset Locations

With Docksters, you can take your asset tracking to the next level. Docksters not only stores and processes the data generated by your sensors, but also transforms that raw data into useful, actionable information that can help you make more informed business decisions. Using Docksters, you can easily see the current position of your mobile assets in real-time, track their positional history, and even receive alerts when assets enter or leave designated areas. This allows for greater control and visibility over your mobile assets, helping to improve their utilization and overall efficiency. With its powerful features and versatile capabilities, Docksters is the perfect platform for tracking and monitoring any kind of mobile asset.

Inbox user interface


Geofences are virtual boundaries that you can define on a map using a platform like Docksters. These boundaries can be used to track and monitor the movement of mobile assets within a specific area. With Docksters, you can create multiple geofences and easily see which devices are currently located within each geofence, as well as when they entered or left the area. This allows you to gain greater insight into the movement and utilization of your assets, and can also help you to identify any potential issues or anomalies. Additionally, Docksters can provide instant alerts if an asset is detected outside of a designated geofence, allowing you to quickly take action and ensure that your assets are being used effectively.

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Routing & Trip details

With Docksters, you can not only track the positional history of your mobile assets, but also see the route that they took to get from one location to the next. This can provide valuable insights into the movement patterns of your assets, allowing you to optimize their utilization and reduce costs. Additionally, Docksters can detect points along a route where an asset was stationary for an extended period of time, providing even more detailed information about how your assets are being used. Furthermore, Docksters is highly customizable and can support any third-party sensor connected to a common IoT network, making it a versatile and powerful platform for asset tracking and management.

Inbox user interface