Smart Buildings

Classroom Monitoring

Everyone is entitled to a healthy workplace or learning environment. Humidity, temperature but also CO2 values have a major influence on our well-being. Consistently measuring, registering and reporting this can be quite a challenge. Fortunately, smart solutions are available that allow you to control all this efficiently.

Classrooms Monitored
Sensors Connected
Buildings Visualized

Landstede College Group

Landstede Group, a leading educational organization in the Netherlands, recently chose a personalized solution from Docksters to improve the air quality in their schools. The solution, which is based on 1600 measuring points across 15 schools, has been a huge success, according to Henri Kosmeijer, coordinator housing at Landstede Group.

The solution from Docksters is not only user-friendly and cost-effective, but it also provides real-time visibility into the air quality in Landstede Group's schools. This allows teachers and administrators to quickly identify any issues and take corrective action, ensuring the health and well-being of students and staff.

Additionally, the personalized dashboard provided by Docksters allows Landstede Group to easily monitor and manage the air quality in their schools, giving them the tools and insights they need to make data-driven decisions. This has helped the organization to improve the performance and efficiency of their operations, and achieve their business objectives.

Overall, Landstede Group is very satisfied with the personalized solution from Docksters, and they are thrilled with the value it has provided to their organization."

Inbox user interface

Visualize the building

At Docksters, we believe in the power of flexibility and customization. That's why our systems are designed to provide maximum flexibility, allowing you to tailor them to meet the specific needs of your organization. Whether you need to monitor the use of classrooms, track assets, or detect deviations from set values, Docksters has the tools and features you need to get the job done.

Our systems offer a complete building management solution that is both user-friendly and cost-effective. They provide real-time visibility into the performance and efficiency of your operations, and allow you to quickly identify and address any issues that may arise.

Additionally, our systems are fully customizable, so you can set up notifications and alerts to ensure that the right people are notified in the event of a deviation from the set values. This can help you maintain control of your building and its systems, and ensure that your operations are running smoothly.

School building